Last Modified: 11/23/21
The EdgeXR Client Library enables an application to register and then locate the nearest edge cloudlet backend server for use. The client library also allows verification of a device's location for all location-specific tasks. Because these APIs involve networking, most functions will run asynchronously, and in a background thread.
The Matching Engine C# SDK provides everything required to create applications for your devices.
Note: If you are want to develop Apps using Unity, please see the Unity C# SDK documentation, here.
Visual Studio Community 8.4 or later.
.Net Standard 2.0
A running AppInst on your edge server
An Android or iOS device to test with
A SIM card from a supported carrier for initial application development is recommended; alternatively, if a supported carrier is not available, Wifi may be utilized
Download the C# SDK and libraries
Step 1: Create a login and an Organization on the Console. The creation of a login will automatically generate a user account and allows for access to Artifactory, giving you access to the C# Nuget repository.
Note: With a login, you can download the C# SDK library as well as upload a server image to install on the edge network.
Step 2: Access the C# MatchingEngine library using Nuget.
Step 2a: Type nuget sources Add -Name EdgeXR -Source https://console.cloud.edgexr.org/storage/v1/artifacts/artifactory/api/nuget/nuget-releases -username <yourUserName> -password <yourPassword>
Step 2b: Type nuget list -Source "EdgeXR"
Step 2c: Type nuget install EdgeXR.MatchingEngineSDKRestLibrary
. This will retrieve the latest version automatically.
Step 3: Locate the pre-extracted MatchingEngineSDKRestLibrary.dll file in the home directory.
cd ~/.nuget/packages/mobiledgex.matchingenginesdkrestlibrary/<newest_version>/lib/netstandard2.0/
cp MatchingEngineSDKRestLibrary.dll <unity project>/Assets/Plugins
Optional Step
If you prefer to add the Nuget package using the Visual Studio Community IDE instead, follow these steps.
Step 1: Right-click on your project dependencies folder.
Step 2: Select Manage Nuget Packages.
Step 3: Add the same source repository provided in Step 2 above.
Step 4: Select the most recent library version.
Where to Go from Here
Access the EdgeXR C# Library for examples and sample code, here.